Recommended System Requirements CPU: Pentium III 1GHz RAM: 256MB GPU: 32MB 32-bit Video Card compatible with DirectX 9. Gator, small tractor, large tractor Pesticide Tractor, and many attachments for harvesting certain plants and tilling certain fields. John Deere Model 'B' Coffee Mug Tractor Farmer History Embossed Matte Cup Green 15.29 16.99 previous price 16.99 10 off 10 off previous price 16.

When you save up enough money you can buy more land or buy better equipment to make money faster and require less workers, and there is an option to hire airplanes to come and cropdust your plants or you can invest in a tractor that spreads pesticide to save money in the long run Equipment In the game all the equipment available to purchase is from John Deere except for 1 Truck you start off with. You must keep your workers happy or they will quit, you do this by buying better farm homes and entertainment ex: Trampolines, Swimming pools.

You must know the right season to plant your crops or they will not grow and you would have wasted all that time and money. You must purchase all the seed or animals and hope to get a return on your investments. Gameplay John Deere American Farmer is a sim game Where you purchase equipment and move them to a field you want to till seed or Harvest the plants from.