On this synchronic day of 13:13 coding we had multiple waves of Gamma Plasma Light flowing in again today with amplitudes of 17, 23, 33 and 38 hz on the Schumann Charts. Terra Nova Gaia has transmitted a star portal to all Ground Crew for full downloads and activations of fifth dimensional Divine Matrix Holographic Keys and Codes for the 12 Strand Crystalline DNA.

This direct link up is to bring all into harmonic resonance with 5d New Earth. The Consciousness of Gaia is connecting and communicating with all Sentient Beings through their Earth Star Chakra Portals. Source is coming online to let us know it is time to go fully into the heart center to activate the Queen’s chamber within every threefold flame on Mother Earth. We are at a culmination point in the infinite space time continuum. Today is a key node of prophecy of the New Earth. Thirteen is of the Divine Feminine Goddess Energy. We walk the Sacred Skies of the Cosmos in our dreambody. We traverse into Kin 13 Red Cosmic Skywalker on the Mayan Tzolkin calendar, which is the Last Day of the Red Dragon Wavespell.

Today is another very special day in the Ascension process. Paul White Gold Eagle Greetings InterGalactic MultiDimensional Avatars of the New Eden Paradise Galactic Federation Transmission – A Call For Action ~ Mission of Light ~ Starseeds and Lightworkers